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    Pingxiang Petrochemical Packing Co., Ltd.
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    Add: Xiangdong Ceramic Industrial
    Park, Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province
    P.C.: 337022 P.R.China
    Chairman: Xv Huaisheng 13907993138
    General manager: Liu Qihong 13607994088
    Tel: +86-799-3411918
    Fax: +86-799-3412668
    E-mail: pcp@sino-packing.com
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    Metallic Structured Packing

    [ Product Description ]
    Owing to its thin wall, high void and capacity, low fluid resistance, and heat & corrosion resistance, metallic packings, include carbon steel or stainless steel, applied to handle the thermal-sensitive, hard to separation and easy carbonized materials in the vacuum rectifying towers.
    Metallic Structured Packings include perforated & corrugated plate, corrugated plate gauze, pricked & corrugated plate, corrugated wire gauze and, annular corrugated plate.

    [ Characteristic Indexes of Metallic Structured Packings ]

    Name Type Surface
    area m2/m3
    Void space % Bulk density
    height mm
    Perforated & corrugated plate 125 125 98 85-100 25.4 1-2 150 3
    250 250 97 170-200 12.5 2-3 200 2.6
    350 350 94 240-280 9 2.0-2.5 300 2.0
    500 500 92 360-400 6.3 4-5 180 1.8
    Pricked & corrugated plate 700Y 700 85 240-280 4.5 5.0-7.0 900 1.6
    500Y 500 93 170-200 6.3 3.0-4.0 200 2.1
    250Y 250 97 85-100 12.5 2.5-3.0 300 2.6
    Corrugated plate gauze SW-1 650 91.6 140 4.5 6-8 260-460 1.4-2.2
    SW-2 450 95.5 360 6.5 4-5 220-240 1.6-1.8
    Corrugated wire gauze 250(AX) 250 97 70 12.6 2.5-3.0 25-120 2.5-3.5
    500(BX) 500 95 140 6.3 4-5 200 2.0-2.4
    700(CY) 700 87 180 4.5 8-10 670 1.5-2.0
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