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    Pingxiang Petrochemical Packing Co., Ltd.
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    Add: Xiangdong Ceramic Industrial
    Park, Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province
    P.C.: 337022 P.R.China
    Chairman: Xv Huaisheng 13907993138
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    Metallic Random Packings

    [ Products Description ]
    Metallic random packings include Conjugated rings, VSP ring, Intalox saddles, Twin curved saddles, HQM flat ring, Cascade ring and Pall ring.

    Conjugated rings VSP ring Rasching ring Intalox ring
    Intalox saddles HQM ring Cascade ring Pall ring
    [ Major Specification of Metallic Random Packings ]
    Name Size Diameter×Height
    ×Thickness mm
    Surface area
    space %
    Bulk density
    per /M3
    factor m-1
    Conjugate ring Φ25 25×25×0.3 185 95 312 75000 216
    Φ38 38×38×0.5 116 96 275 19500 131
    Φ50 50×50×0.8 86 96 275 9770 97
    Φ76 76×76×1.0 81 97 245 3980 95
    VSP ring Φ25 25×25×0.6 250 93 420 59200 310
    Φ38 38×38×0.6 138 95 296 14000 163
    Φ50 50×50×0.8 121 95 350 7000 144
    Φ76 76×76×1.0 75 95 280 1950 86
    Intalox saddles Φ25 25×20×0.6 185 96 409 101160 209
    Φ38 38×30×0.8 112 96 365 24680 137
    Φ50 50×40×1.0 75 96 291 10400 85
    Φ76 76×60×1.2 58 97 245 3320 63
    Twin curved ring Φ25 25×25×0.5 179 96 314 87720 202
    Φ38 38×38×0.6 144 97 214 35800 156
    Φ50 50×50×0.8 82 97 228 11130 90
    Φ76 76×76×1.0 57 98 197 4250 61
    HQM ring Φ16 16×5.5×0.5 348 92 604 630000 312
    Φ25 25×9.0×0.6 228 94 506 160000 280
    Φ38 38×12.7×0.7 150 95 390 48000 175
    Φ50 50×17×0.8 115 97 275 21500 156
    Cascade ring Φ25 25×12.5×0.5 221 95 383 98120 257
    Φ38 38×19×0.6 153 96 325 30040 173
    Φ50 50×25×0.8 109 96 308 12340 123
    Φ76 76×38×1.2 72 96 306 3540 81
    Pall ring Φ25 25×25×0.5 219 95 393 51940 255
    Φ38 38×38×0.6 146 96 318 15180 165
    Φ50 50×50×0.8 109 96 314 6500 124
    Φ76 76×76×1.2 71 96 308 1830 80
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