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    Pingxiang Petrochemical Packing Co., Ltd.
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    Add: Xiangdong Ceramic Industrial
    Park, Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province
    P.C.: 337022 P.R.China
    Chairman: Xv Huaisheng 13907993138
    General manager: Liu Qihong 13607994088
    Tel: +86-799-3411918
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    E-mail: pcp@sino-packing.com
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    Plastic Random Packings

    [ Products Description ]
    Plastic tower packings are made from polyethylene(PE), polypropylene(PP), reinforced polypropylene(RPP), polyvinyl chloride(PVC), chlorinated polyvinyl chloride(CPVC) and polyvinylidene fluoride(PVDF). They have a strong resistance to chemical corrosion, large void space and fluid capacity, low pressure drop, energy saving, low operation cost, light in weight and easy to be load and unload, and reusable. They are available for stripping, absorbing and washing in low temperature of 60-150°C in the tower in chemical, petrochemical, alkali chloride, coal gas and environmental protection industries.
    Plastic Random Packing include pall ring, intalox saddles, super intalox, cascade ring, HQM ring, teller rosette ring, hollow ball, polyhedral ball, cage ball and covering ball.

    Teller rosetter ring Supper Intalox Intalox saddles Heilex ring
    Cascade ring HQM ring Conjugate ring Pall ring
    Covering ball Hollow ball Polyhedral ball Cage ball
    [ Physical & Chemical Properties of Plastic Packings ]
    Item/MaterialPE PP RPP PVC CPVC PVDF
    Density g/cm3 0.94-0.96 0.89-0.91 0.92-0.94 1.32-1.44 1.50-1.54 1.75-1.78
    Working temperature, °C ≤90 ≤100 ≤120 ≤60 ≤90 ≤150
    Chemical resistance Corrosion resistance Corrosion resistance Corrosion resistance Corrosion resistance Corrosion resistance Corrosion resistance
    Crushing strength, N/mm ≥6.0 ≥6.5 ≥7.0 ≥6.0 ≥8.0 ≥10.0

    [ Main Technical Index of Plastic Random Packings ]

    Name Normal size Diameter×Height
    ×Thickness mm
    area m2/m3
    Void space % Bulk density
    per /M3
    factor m-1
    Pall ring Φ25 25×25×1.2 213 91 85 48300 285
    Φ38 38×38×1.4 151 91 82 15800 200
    Φ50 50×50×1.5 100 92 60 6300 130
    Φ76 76×76×2.6 72 92 62 7930 92
    Intalox saddles Φ25 25×13×1.2 288 85 102 97680 467
    Φ38 38×19×1.2 265 95 91 25200 309
    Φ50 50×25×.5 250 96 75 9400 282
    Φ76 76×38×3.0 200 97 59 3700 220
    Supper Intalox Φ38 38×19×1.2 178 96 75 25200 201
    Φ50 50×25×1.5 168 97 68 9400 184
    Φ76 76×38×3.0 130 98 52 3700 138
    Cascade ring Φ25 25×13×1.2 228 90 98 81500 313
    Φ38 38×19×1.4 133 93 58 27200 176
    Φ50 50×25×1.5 114 94 55 10740 143
    Φ76 76×37×3.0 90 93 68 3420 112
    Heilex ring Φ50 50×50×1.5 107 94 61 8200 128
    Φ76 76×76×1.8 75 95 56 3180 87
    Φ100 100×100×2.0 55 96 48 1850 62
    Conjugate ring Φ25-I 25×25×1.0 785 95 96 74000 216
    Φ38-I 40×34×1.5 730 93 61 18650 162
    Φ38-II 37×37×1.5 142 91 80 16320 188
    Φ50-II 50×40×1.5 104 80 66 9500 164
    Φ76 76×76×2.5 81 95 81 3980 94
    HQM ring Φ38 38×12×1.2 145 92 70 46000 186
    Φ50 50×17×1.5 128 93 67 21500 159
    Φ76 76×76×2.5 116 93 58 6500 144
    Teller rosetter ring 25 25×9×(1.5×2) 269 82 128 175000 488
    47 47×19×(3×3) 185 88 111 32500 271
    51 51×19×(3×3) 180 89 103 25000 255
    59 59×19×(3×3) 150 92 102 17500 213
    73 73×28×(3×4) 127 89 102 8000 180
    95 95×37×(3×6) 94 90 88 3600 129
    145 145×45×(3×6) 65 95 47 1100 76
    Hollow ball Φ25 Φ25×1.0 200 42 125 41500 2700
    Φ38 Φ38×1.2 150 42 121 22000 2025
    Φ50 Φ50×1.5 120 42 73 10480 1620
    Polyhedral ball Φ25 Φ25×1.0 460 90 96 65100 631
    Φ38 Φ38×1.2 325 91 83 28500 355
    Φ50 Φ50×1.5 236 91 76 11500 313
    Cage ball Φ38 Φ38×1.2 96 88 110 22000 141
    Φ50 Φ50×1.5 82 90 88 10480 112
    Covering ball Φ40-I Φ40×1.2 Coverage91% 9.5 118 710 Crushing strength≤0.4Mpa
    Φ40-II Φ40×1.2Side Coverage97% 9.3 110 660
    The bulk density given here is based on PP material.
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